Monday, April 7, 2014

Pretzels, New Offering on Amazon Kindle

Another new Ebook listed on Amazon Kindle site. Pretzels is the third in my "snack stories" unofficial series. It has all of the addictive goodness of the first two snack-story Ebooks and more. More fun reading entertainment than a bowl full of popcorn. (which was the title of the second Ebook) Popcorn by the way is FREE for the rest of the week. Get your's while you can. Enjoy.

Newest Ebook Offering Announcement

This is my latest book of short stories published with Smashwords. If you like Apocalyptic science fiction and Distopean settings and quirky-twisty literary fiction, then this book is definitely for you. Some of my latest favorite works are in this Ebook. Stop by and give it a look.